Saturday, January 25th 2020 | 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
You Won’t Have a Harvest Without Planting Seeds
Join us as we make handmade seeded paper cards for our loved ones. Providing them with affirmation seeds that they may sow, nurture, and harvest for 2020.
Participants will design a card that is made with handmade seeded paper that can be planted at a later date. Decorate your card with positive wishes that can be planted in soil to give to a loved one to plant when they desire. Seed/paper and decorating materials will be provided. Just bring your positive wishes for a loved one for 2020!
This workshop is for ages 6 and up!
Multipurpose Room, Upbeat Village Terra-cotta Gallery (2nd floor), Savannah African Art Museum, 201 East 37th Street, Savannah, GA 31401
Please note that this location has stairs and is not wheelchair accessible.
**Seats and supplies are limited so please RSVP below through Eventbrite
Planting Affirmation Seeds for The New Year! Part 2

Workshop Finished Works
To have your completed work from the workshop displayed on the website, please submit all photos to our Education Coordinator, Lisa Jackson at