Affirmation Journals
With facilitator, SAAM Executive Director, Billie M Stultz
what is an affirmation?
Affirmations are statements of truth. They are often used to encourage and reinforce positive thinking to create positive outcomes.
They can be expressed in a statement seeing oneself reaching a desired goal, e.g., “I will proudly walk across the stage to accept my diploma,” or a statement of encouragement about oneself, e.g., “There is no one better to be than myself.” Writing our affirmations and revisiting them in a journal helps us to reinforce them.
Let's Get Started
What You Will Need
Cotton Fabric Cut to 19" x 13"
Elmer's Glue
1 Composition Notebook
Finished Affirmation Journal
(C) Savannah African Art Museum
Step One:
Prepare Fabric

Start out by choosing your fabric and cutting it to 19" x 13"and place the spine of your composition note book in the center of the fabric.
Step 2:
Attach Your Fabric

Apply your glue heavily to the front cover of your composition notebook and spine. Fold Fabric over the cover and press it on to the cover and smooth over the glued surface.
Repeat this on the back cover of the notebook.
Step 3:
Trim and Cut

Trim the corners of your fabric, leaving one inch from the edge of the notebook. This will be cut on a diagonal. You will also make a cut on the fabric along the center of the spine, on the top and bottom of the fabric.
Step 4:
Fold and Glue

Begin with folding the cut corners of your fabric to the inside cover corners of the notebook. Once the corners are glued down you will fold down the other flaps of fabric along the edges of the notebook.
Step 5:
Print and Attach Cover Page

Download the cover page inserts by clicking on the image to the left or downloading here.
Print the document and cut along the dotted lines.
From there you will glue the back of the cover page and press it into the inside cover of notebook along the inside edge of the spine. This will hide the folded edges of the fabric.
Step 6:
Press and Dry

Once everything is glued and secured place it under a stack of books or magazines and let it press flat and dry.
When you finish, let your Journal let it dry under a stack of books or magazines to dry for 30 minutes then show off your finished work!
Send us a photo of what you made! We would love to feature it on the workshop page!